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Swiss manufacturer providing high-end micromachining equipments

Posalux, the Swiss machine tools manufacturer providing high-tech micromachining solutions dedicated to your applications.

Posalux Exclusivity

ULTIMATE DUO micromachining: the unique Posalux innovation

ULTIMATE DUO is the unique advanced solution that micromachines both sides of your parts on  in one operation.

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Related applications
Drilling of GDI shim plate for the automotive industry
The complexity of designs, uniquely tailored to each engine, adds difficulty in maintaining consistency and quality throughout the shim plate milling process.
Electrical Discharge Machining - EDM
Stephole drilling of GDI valve seats for the automotive industry
The main challenge of step- and sprayhole micro-machining of GDI valve seats in the automotive industry is achieving consistent precision and accuracy in creating the intricate, small-scale features while ensuring durability under high-pressure combustion conditions, all without compromising the valve's efficiency and functionality.
Electrical Discharge Machining - EDM
Spray hole drilling in diesel injection nozzle for the automotive industry
Advanced micromachining equipment and techniques ensure the accuracy and quality of the holes, as even small deviations in size or shape can significantly impact the performance and efficiency of the engine.
Electrical Discharge Machining - EDM
Turning of contacts pins for IC substrates testing industry
Leveraging precision turning of contacts and pins, IC substrate testing challenges can be efficiently managed, enhancing test accuracy and overall efficiency.
Turning of contact pins (wires, bars and tubes) for semiconductors testing industry
The key challenge in turning and micromachining contact pins (wires, bars, and tubes) for the semiconductor testing industry lies in achieving microscopic precision while ensuring optimal electrical performance. These pins must be meticulously crafted to maintain consistent dimensions, intricate geometries, and exceptional surface finishes, all while guaranteeing reliable connectivity for accurate semiconductor testing.
Drilling and routing of composites and non-ferrous materials for printed circuit boards (PCB) industry
Composites and non-ferrous materials offer interesting properties in the PCB industry. However, these materials require intricate handling to prevent defects and ensure PCB integrity. Posalux dives into these complexities and solutions micro-machining these advanced materials dedicated to high-tech electronics.
Mechanical Micromachining
Gear cutting operations for the watchmaking industry
In the watchmaking industry, gear cutting demands unparalleled precision and intricacy. Even slight imperfections can disrupt accurate timekeeping, especially given the precious materials and tiny size of the gears. Coupled with the aesthetic requirements of luxury timepieces, this task requires highly specialized micro machining expertise.
Precision cutting of surgical needles for the MedTech industry
In the MedTech arena, precision cutting and micromachining of surgical needles stand out as vital processes. These techniques, blending engineering precision with medical necessity, ensure that surgical needles meet the highest standards of sharpness, consistency, and finish, catering to the demands of advanced surgical procedures.
Precision cutting, drilling, milling of micro components
Precision cutting and milling of micro components navigate a complex landscape of challenges. With tools operating at microscopic tolerances across diverse materials, consistency is paramount. Material-specific intricacies, tool wear, and heat-induced alterations elevate the technical demands. Balancing these with economic efficiency and staying ahead of evolving designs is crucial.
Probe card guide plates micro-drilling for semiconductors wafer testing industry
Guide plates for semiconductor devices require impeccably drilled holes for flawless alignment with chip test points. Precision and repeatability are essential, as discrepancies risk test errors or device damage. As semiconductors evolve in complexity, micro-machining must refine its techniques, ensuring guide plate integrity throughout numerous test cycles.
Test socket guide plates micro machining (drilling, milling cutting) for semiconductors testing industry
Micromachining test socket guide plates for the semiconductor testing industry faces the challenge of delivering ultra-precision amid rapidly evolving chip designs. Any minor inaccuracies can disrupt testing or damage chips. As semiconductor complexities increase, adaptability in micromachining processes, ensuring speed and consistency, becomes crucial.
Mechanical Micromachining
Test fixture guide plates micro-drilling for IC substrates and bare boards testing industry
Micromachining and drilling test fixture guide plates for IC substrates and bare boards testing present a complex challenge. Precision is paramount, ensuring that every guide plate aligns perfectly with the intricate designs of modern ICs. Minor errors risk unreliable test results or potential IC damage. As IC designs rapidly evolve, micromachining processes must remain adaptive and state-of-the-art to consistently meet the industry's high-tech demands.
suitable machine series
Solutions & Applications

Applications dedicated to a wide scope of industries

Let our micromachining expertise inspire your next application in the electronics, automotive, medtech, watchmaking and further industries.


Access advanced technologies

Electrical Discharge Machining - EDM

With the Electro-Erosion μ-machining - EDM technology, material is removed from a workpiece by current discharges between electrode and anode.


The FEMTOsecond LASER μ-machining technology consists of ultra-short pulses that hit the workpiece to vaporize a small amount of material.

Mechanical Micromachining

Mechanical μ-machining technology enables highly detailed shapes and removes material of a workpiece with miniature wearable tools.

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The Swiss company specialized in micromachining

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µ-machining operations

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